The City Clerk is the Chief Election Official. The Clerk supervises voter registration, oversees polling places, election officers, and the general conduct of all elections. The Clerk directs the preparation of ballots, polling places, voting equipment, voting lists, administers campaign finance laws, certifies nomination papers and initiative petitions. The Clerk's office conducts the annual city census and prepares the street list of residents.
The City Clerk is the keeper of the City Seal. The City Clerk attests by signature and seal to bonds, contracts, bylaws, resolutions and any other documents requiring city certification. The Clerk provides certified copies of vital records, and is responsible for maintenance, disposition, and preservation of municipal archival records and materials. The City Clerk administers the oath of office to all city officials, elected and appointed.
The City Clerk certifies the residency of veterans who qualify for state bonuses, receives board and committee meeting postings, and sends the jury list to the Secretary of State. The City Clerk is also responsible for overseeing the State mandated compliance of all employees, and board and committee members with the required Conflict of Interest / State Ethics Laws documentation.
In addition, the City Clerk is a Justice of the Peace, issues marriage licenses, dog tag licenses, storage of flammables certificates, business certificates, raffle permits, and serves as the Chief Public Records Access Officer.