Be Vigilant
Being safe means being alert and being aware of your surroundings. Note the normal routines in your neighborhood. Get to know your neighbors.
Take what you hear seriously
Report to local law enforcement if you overhear persons threatening to harm other citizens. In Watertown, contact the Watertown Police Department at 617-972-6500.
Report Suspicious Activity
Suspicious activity means anything that appears out of the ordinary. Report all suspicious activities to local authorities. In Watertown, contact the Watertown Police Department at 617-972-6500.
- An abandoned vehicle
- A person that appears to be dressed inappropriately (long overcoat in warm weather, apparent disguise) or overly anxious
- Excessive loitering
- Abandoned luggage, package or mail in a public place
Avoid Stereotyping
Avoid stereotyping individuals on their race, religion, or gender. Those who intend to perpetrate a criminal or violent act often try to blend into their surroundings.
Open Mail Carefully
Suspicious mail and packages are unexpected and from someone you do not know. They can be sometimes be handwritten and have no return addresses, be lopsided or lumpy, sealed with an excessive amount of tape, marked with restrictive endorsements like "Personal" or "Confidential", or have ecessive postage. If a piece of mail appears suspicious, do not handle the item any further, wash hands, stay away from the item and contact the police.