Upper Waverley Ave.

Reconstruction of Waverley Ave., from Belmont Street to Orchard Street, will begin late July, 2021. Roadway reconstruction entails removing and replacing the existing roadway, regrading of the road, and rehabilitation of the roadway base.  Per Town Council directive, roads that undergo full reconstruction also receive granite curb installation, new concrete sidewalks and driveway aprons, and ADA-compliant accessible ramps.

a file

Construction Schedules

Look-ahead 9/17/21

Look-ahead 8/4/2021

General Construction Schedule


Final Striping and Signage Plans

Road Program Frequently Asked Questions

Residential Driveway Information

Guide to the Planting Strip

Winter Maintenance and Deicing (PDF)

March 2021:

The Town Council authorized DPW to proceed with design of Option 2--Uphill Bicycle Lanes.  Design is proceeding and construction is anticipated to start in the fall of 2021.

Waverley Ave. Neighborhood Letter

February 2021:

The Town Council Committee on Public Works, will host a Public Works Sub-committee meeting to discuss design options for the reconstruction of Upper Waverley Avenue, between Orchard Street and Belmont Street.  The work is part of the Town’s Complete Streets Policy to include all road users (vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians) in road design. 

Two concept plans will be presented:

  • one which preserves all on-street parking but provides no bicycle facilities (bikes share the travel lane); and
  • a second which removes some parking to provide separate bicycle lanes at some locations. 

The purpose of the meeting is to review each concept plan and obtain endorsement of one concept for further development of construction plans to be bid later this year.

Meeting Materials

February 25, 2021 Public Works Sub-committee Presentation

Concept Plan Memorandum

March 2020 (Pre-COVID) Parking Counts and Utilization

Option 1 Shared Use Lanes--No Bicycle Accommodations

Option 1 Shared Use Lanes Concept Plan

Option 1 Shared Use Lanes Cross-Sections

Option 1 Shared Use Lanes Parking Count

Option 2 Uphill Bicycle Lanes

Option 2 Uphill Bicycle Lanes Concept Plan

Option 2 Uphill Bicycle Lanes Cross-sections

Option 2 Uphill Bicycle Lanes Parking Count