
Bird Flu information

The Health Department has moved to the Parker Annex at 124 Watertown Street, 3G, Watertown, MA 02472. See the google map and get directions.

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The mission of the Watertown Health Department is to protect and promote health, prevent disease and disability, and access and improve the health status of the community.

Duties & Responsibilities

Environmental Health Services consist of mandated and non-mandated inspection programs including, but not limited to: Housing, Body Art, Food Establishments, Odor, Noise and Dust, Tanning Establishments, Hazardous Waste Inspection, Lead Paint and Asbestos.

A full-time animal control officer (ACO) provides services for Watertown. The ACO responds to citizens’ complaints and enforces the provisions of the Animal Control Ordinance. The department hosts an annual rabies day for cats and dogs.

The Health Department offers a variety of free community health services to its residents such as annual Influenza Vaccination Clinics, Blood Pressure Screening and Health Education.

Air Quality Index

MassAir Online Daily Quality Data


If you or a family/household member does not feel safe at home, please call 800-799-7233 for live support.  If you are unable to speak safely, you can log onto to chat online, or text LOVEIS to 22522.

Become a Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Volunteer

Watertown is a member of Massachusetts Region 4b MRC Unit. Registration can be completed through MA Responds.